hye ya all!..
last two saturdays i had dinner with my awesome classmates..STEAMBOAT bebeh! woohoo!..
dinner diadakan di sebuah tempat yang awesome sbb yang nak hadir semua awesome (hehe..)
iaitu di Hotel Amanpura, Sg. Petani (formerly known as SP Inn)..
well, i kinda feel 'malas' to type out everything
so let pictures do the talking, okay..
p/s: credits to Afiq for the pictures
njoy n_n
n sorang classmate aku kebetulan birthday dia fell on that day..
so dia belanja kitorang..haa
xde la..hehe.
these are my lovely peeps n i love em so much!..
p/s: 3 people were'nt present that day
besides eating, kami juga buat sesi exchanging presents!! ^__^
undian dibuat pada malam itu jugak.
so sapa yang dapat hadiah pelik2 tu, nasib laa..
more pictures ..